With her own business since 2000, Anne offers technical guidance on CE marking requirements, regulatory strategies for the commercialization of new products, implementation of management systems to ISO 13485:2016 and training in all these areas. She has worked with companies ranging from start-up university spin out companies to multi-national market leaders.

Medical and Diagnostic Device Regulatory Advice

General guidance and explanation of CE marking requirements to place medical and diagnostic devices on the European market.

Preparation of regulatory strategies for the commercialization of new products Preparation of Technical files to meet the requirements of European Regulation 2017/745 on Medical Devices

Quality Management Systems

Implementation of documented quality management systems to ISO 13485

Internal Auditor

For Manufacturers:

Compliance audits of technical files and regulatory procedures and systems Gap analysis audits Internal audits to fulfil the ISO 9001 / ISO 13485 requirement for internal quality audits Supplier audits